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Unique checkout experience in Relay shops with Retail Cloud Suite

Unique checkout experience in Relay shops with Retail Cloud Suite
Lagardere Travel Retail has opened 7 Relay stores where payments are made using Anchr's checkout solution.

Anchr's checkout software in Relay shops

Previously, Lagardère was only active at airports and in fast food hospitality. Thanks to the acquisition of the Relay stores, Lagardère now also has a foothold in the magazine trade. The decision to opt for Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite here was a very logical choice for Lagardère.

John Marchal, IT Manager at Lagardère, conveyed the news of the acquisition to Anchr saying: ‘We have been working with your checkout system for years and I have complete confidence that you have the expertise to make this a success as well.’ For the Relay shops, this meant that Anchr has successfully implemented the necessary integrations to perfectly process the range of magazines, books, gift cards, and lotteries. But that was far from everything.

Unique checkout experience at Relay

What makes this project so unique is the flexible combination of the self-checkout and the traditional checkout lane in each Relay shop. A checkout experience that offers only advantages for both the consumer and the shop assistant.

Since square metres at NS stations are valuable, Lagardère wants to provide the consumer with the freedom to choose between convenience and speed - via the self-checkout - and service via the traditional checkout lane.

One checkout with back-to-back touch screens

Lagardère and Anchr together devised a concept that led to a hybrid checkout solution: one checkout with 2 back-to-back touch screens, allowing easy swapping between the self-checkout and the traditional checkout.

The perfect solution to quickly scale up and down during peak moments. This integration and the rich functionalities are part of Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite, with which Anchr aims to serve even more customers in the future.

Relay checkout system from Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite

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