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The added value of a data-driven organisation with Posit

The added value of a data-driven organisation with Posit
Organisations have valuable data. But how can you truly make that data valuable? And not unimportantly, how do you prevent losing sight of the trees in the (data) forest? We will tell you how to get more out of your data thanks to the Posit Connect Platform.

Data analysis is becoming an increasingly important tool for organizations. Anchr works with the latest data science solutions, including Posit (formerly RStudio). It supports organizations in their journey to work data-driven and thus optimize their services and decision-making.

The importance of data analytics

One of the main advantages of data analysis is that it enables organisations to identify patterns and trends in large datasets. This can help to better understand social or economic challenges and predict future trends. For example, it could be possible to locate areas with high crime rates or forecast the impact of demographic changes on services.

Within government or service-oriented organisations, data analysis can be used to optimise service delivery. By analysing data on service usage, you can identify themes where services do not meet the needs of citizens, customers, or partners, and make improvements. Furthermore, data analysis can help optimise the allocation of resources, ensuring that services are provided where they are most needed.

Other benefits include:

  • Improved decision-making: Firstly, it enables organisations to make decisions based on insights derived from data analysis. By clearly visualising data, trends and patterns can be uncovered, allowing for strategic decisions to be made that are well-founded.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity: When you work in a data-driven environment, you have access to real-time insights that can help you identify areas for improvement and optimise your operations. This can lead to greater efficiency and productivity, as you can quickly identify and address inefficiencies or problems.
  • Better customer experience: By analysing customer data, you can gain insights into their needs, preferences, and behaviour. This can help you tailor your products and services to their needs and enhance their overall experience.
  • Increased revenue and profitability: By using data to make informed decisions, you can optimise your operations, improve customer satisfaction, and boost sales. This can lead to increased income and profitability for your business.
The added value of a data-driven organization with Posit

These organisations use Posit for better data insights

DMPM - Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Management

Efficient data & analysis exchange between Posit and Tableau / Power BI

The Anchr Analytics & Insights team, in collaboration with Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Management (DMPM), a Dutch credit organization, developed a customer portal. The customer portal allows for better insight and increased value from mortgage investment portfolios through interactive dashboards and algorithms in Posit Team.

The portal is set up via an R Shiny application running in the Azure App Service, with plumber APIs serving portfolio reports and built-in Power BI reports.

DMPM uses Power BI dashboards

Jessa Hospital

Jessa Hospital optimises patient follow-up using Posit

Jessa Hospital uses the BALLETT application. The application is a development by the hospital and collects patient data within an oncology pathway.

Thanks to the setup of the modular Posit Connect Platform by Anchr, the hospital can safely share all data from the app with all involved colleagues and can display the data clearly to gain insights. The hospital can now see at a glance the summarised results of all patients on an oncology pathway or the data per patient. It can generate reports and provide them to the treating physicians or request them during consultation moments.

Jessa hospital uses Posit

Topigs Norsvin

Data science with Posit for genetics and genomics research

Innovation in pig breeding with Data Science & Posit. By using the modular Posit Team data science platform, Topigs Norsvin can optimise collaboration between its researchers and data scientists, scale capacity up or down, and achieve better performance in IT.

In this Dutch pig breeding organisation, researchers and data scientists can now work on the same platform and with their favourite tools R & Python via Posit IDE, VS Code, and Jupyter Notebooks. The organisation uses these tools among other things for predicting the back fat thickness of pigs based on data arising from a CT scan imaging analysis. Thanks to this project, a real bridge has been built between data science and IT.

Data synchronisation with Boomi

Action with Anchr. Do more with your data.

Anchr enables you to do more with your data. For this, it works with market-leading business intelligence and data science solutions from Oracle, Posit (formerly RStudio), Microsoft (Power BI), and Tableau. As for Posit, Anchr is the only Full Service Certified Partner in the Netherlands; in Belgium, we are two. Posit offers open source and enterprise data science solutions and services and can help your organisation with the visualisation of available data and smoother collaboration with all stakeholders. Data scientists at Posit can work with the 2 open-source languages R and Python.
One of the key features of Posit is the support for interactive charts and visualisations. This allows data to be explored and analysed in real-time. Furthermore, it includes a range of tools for data analysis, including support for data frames, matrices, and statistical models. The power of data science translates into predictive analytics and simulations that allow you to optimise processes, reduce costs, or enhance the customer experience.

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