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Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite ready for Germany

Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite is ready for the new checkout law in Germany
Dutch and Belgian retailers looking to open stores in Germany will find what they need at Anchr.
Checkout kassa point of sale

Retail Cloud Suite ready for Germany

But how exactly? We will explain that. With the new law, it is prevented that after a closure changes can still take place in the administrations of cash registers and other electronic registration systems. In the second quarter of 2021, Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite was made suitable for the Kassengesetz guidelines.

For this, Anchr utilises the Epson TSE USB stick that is installed in the cash register PC. This USB stick serves as middleware. The TSE module is certified by the German government and compliant with BSI Technical Guideline TR-03153. In the integration, every checkout transaction is directly sent by the Anchr checkout to the Epson TSE, which then generates an electronic signature and sends it back to the checkout. This electronic signature is then printed on the receipt and stored in the electronic journal.

The transactions - including signature - are subsequently sent via the regular distribution mechanism of Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite to the central environment, from where the legally required CSV files are then provided. These are files in which the transactions are recorded in the legally required dsfin-vk format.

International Ambition of Anchr

'That the Retail Cloud Suite software from Anchr is now suitable for German legislation fits into our strategy and that of our clients. We see cross-border commerce as an important trend. Our clients seek expansion and do not limit themselves to national borders. - Mike Snepvangers, Commercial Director Anchr

We have also looked into the legal obligations in France. Moreover, we have a partner who monitors the legal developments for us. If one of our clients or prospects opens stores in France or Germany, we can perfectly support them.

For years, Anchr's Retail Cloud Suite has been a defining, strong player in the Benelux in the field of omnichannel Point of Sales and becomes even more relevant due to this investment.

Anchr' checkout systems ready for international retailers

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