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10 priorities for the organisation of social elections 2024

10 priorities for the smooth organisation of the social elections 2024
On 9 May 2023, Anchr, in collaboration with the law firm Claeys & Engels - which has extensive expertise in social elections - organised an information session about the social elections taking place in Belgium in 2024.

The aim? To familiarise HR professionals with the legal framework and procedures so that companies can approach the elections prepared. We share the key priorities.

HR professionals preparing for the social elections 2024

Informing and inspiring

On Tuesday 9 May 2023, more than 50 HR professionals gathered at Quartier Papier in Zaventem for an information session about the organisation of the social elections in Belgium in 2024. The election procedure lasts 150 days and the first steps have already been taken. To ensure the preparation and organisation run smoothly, Anchr, in collaboration with Claeys & Engels, provided an update that informed attendees about the complex regulations and the key updates and priorities.  

‘We organise this session because we believe that HR professionals have a substantial task ahead of them in organising the social elections. With this session, we want to help organisations get started.’, says Nordine Demmou, Business Unit Manager at Anchr. ‘Anchr aims to support and relieve HR teams as much as possible.
Elegio is the digital election software for secure and anonymous voting. It makes the voting procedure significantly more efficient. Not only through the information session, but also via Elegio, we optimally support organisations in the organisation of the social elections.’ 


Checklist for smooth social elections: 10 priorities

Tips & tricks

The guest speaker during the information session was Olivier Wouters, Managing Partner at Claeys & Engels, a law firm that is a pioneer in the legal framework for social elections. According to Nordine Demmou, the ideal partner to set up the session: ‘Claeys & Engels is truly an expert in legal advice on social elections.’ 
Topics discussed included crucial dates for taking action, dismissal protection, and how mandates are managed. They also talked about the procedures that need to be followed and which consultation bodies are necessary. 

Anchr summarises Claeys & Engels' key to-do’s in a handy checklist for organising the social elections 2024:   

  1. Make a choice: electronic or hybrid voting. Decide whether or not you want to offer electronic voting as an option during the elections. If you wish to provide this, choose a partner with experience. Do this in consultation with stakeholders, such as a trade union, and start negotiations with a partner in good time. 
  2. Timing: Social elections in Belgium take place every four years. Ensure that you are aware of the exact dates and deadlines set by the relevant authorities. 
  3. Legislation: Thoroughly inform yourself about the applicable legislation regarding social elections. There are specific rules and regulations for election procedures, candidacy, election campaigns, voting procedures, … 
  4. Electoral districts and bodies: Belgium is divided into various electoral districts, and each company has its own works council (WC) and/or committee for prevention and protection at work (CPPW). Understand the structure of these bodies and ensure that you organise the appropriate elections based on the size and locations of your company. 
  5. Candidacy: Ensure that your employees are aware of their right to stand for election. Facilitate a transparent candidacy process and ensure that the rules are followed. 
  6. Election procedure: Inform yourself about the specific procedures for the elections, such as the duration of the election period, the method of voting (e.g., electronically or by secret ballot), and the rules concerning voter lists and vote counting.
  7. Communication: Ensure clear and timely communication to all employees about the social elections. Inform them about the dates, procedures, candidacy, and how to vote. Also communicate the role and benefits of the WC and/or CPPW.
  8. Collaboration with trade unions: Work with the trade unions represented in your company. Maintain contact with the union representatives and consult with them about the organisation of the elections. They can provide valuable information and support.
  9. Training and support: Ensure adequate training and support for the parties involved, such as election officials, candidates, and employees. They need to be well informed about the procedures and rules to ensure a fair and transparent election process.
  10. Aftercare: After the elections, it is important to allow the elected representatives and bodies to function effectively. Ensure a smooth transition and support the new WC and/or CPPW members in their responsibilities. 

Soak up the atmosphere

Anchr prides itself on not only offering the right software to its customers but also being a partner that supports customers as much as possible. With this information session, we set HR professionals on their way to clearly understand the key points necessary to organise successful social elections. It was an informative and inspiring session!

I look back on a successful information session. There was a friendly atmosphere and a lively exchange of experiences among the attendees. Additionally, I found the content to be very strong.

Nordine Demmou

Business Unit Manager at Anchr

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